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Članak: IEDC invitation: Hidden Champions in CEE and Turkey - Carving a Global Niche,

IEDC invitation: Hidden Champions in CEE and Turkey - Carving a Global Niche

IEDC – Poslovna škola Bled prva je institucija za razvoj menadžmenta u srednjoj i istočnoj Europi osnovana prije 30 godina. Usmjerena je razvoju kompetentnih i etičkih lidera te kao takva uzor na području poslovne izobrazbe ne samo u regiji već i u svijetu. Poradi uključivanja društvenih, okolišnih i etičkih aspekata u svoje obrazovne programe, Institut Aspen iz SAD-a od svih institucija iz srednje i istočne Europe jedino je IEDC uvrstio na listu "100 najinovativnijih poslovnih škola na svijetu".

22. svibnja 2014. - Beč, Austria

Hidden champions are highly innovative small to medium size companies that have leading market positions in niche markets internationally. They successfully ride on a wave of global competitiveness, and even in times of economic turndown demonstrate the capacity to grow. Inspired by the bestselling book of Prof. Hermann Simon Hidden Champions of the 21st Century, CEEMAN, the international association for management development in dynamic societies, organized an international research of over 100 hidden champions in 15 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey.

This project has now resulted also in a new book Hidden Champions in CEE and Turkey – Carving a Global Niche, published by Springer in late 2013. The book offers interdisciplinary and cross-study chapters on leadership, governance, marketing, innovation, sustainability and financial aspects of the hidden champions in CEE, as well as country-specific chapters highlighting individual stories of selected companies and their success strategies.

The conference participants will have the opportunity to buy the book Hidden Champions in CEE and Turkey (eBook or hardcover) with a 20% discount.

Following the success of the first conference on Hidden Champions in CEE and Dynamic Environments, held in Vienna in 2011, the current event, organized in cooperation Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) Competence Center for Central and Eastern Europe and Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, will present some of the main insights from the book, as well as provide an opportunity to meet and learn from the hidden champions themselves and book contributors.

Business leaders and entrepreneurs, representatives of financial and investment institutions, government officials, management educators and consultants, as well as the media are invited to take part.


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