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Tema mjeseca: 8th Art of Management & Organization Conference

Članak: About 8th AoMO Conference,

About 8th AoMO Conference

IEDC – Poslovna škola Bled prva je institucija za razvoj menadžmenta u srednjoj i istočnoj Europi osnovana prije 30 godina. Usmjerena je razvoju kompetentnih i etičkih lidera te kao takva uzor na području poslovne izobrazbe ne samo u regiji već i u svijetu. Poradi uključivanja društvenih, okolišnih i etičkih aspekata u svoje obrazovne programe, Institut Aspen iz SAD-a od svih institucija iz srednje i istočne Europe jedino je IEDC uvrstio na listu "100 najinovativnijih poslovnih škola na svijetu".

8th Art of Management & Organization Conference

Empowering the Intangible:

Exploring, Feeling and Expressing Through the Arts

IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia, 1-4 September 2016

In the spirit of exploration, play, creativity and critique, the 2016 Art of Management and Organization conference highlights the intangible aspects of organizational life. Proliferating our academic and professional discourses are calls to recognize, engage and empower the intangible aspects of organizational life – the felt, sensory and emotional aspects that so often go under the radar. Like the medieval court jester that could speak of things courtiers could not, the conference theme “Empowering the intangible” seeks out novel ways of exploring, feeling and expressing management and organization through the arts.

Building on the work of the 2012 Creativity & Critique theme in York and the 2014 Creativity and Design theme in Copenhagen, the 2016 conference embraces the arts and aesthetics as critical design elements – as inquiry, methodology, development resources, etc. – to explore, feel and express the felt, sensory and emotional aspects of management, leadership and daily organizational life. The 2016 Art of Management & Organization Conference sees over 150 delegates from around the world coming together to explore, feel and express what it means to empower the intangible through the arts in the form of conference paper presentations, interactive workshops, community art projects, films, installations and performances. Where else would you find such an open, critically creative approach to business and management studies?

For more information about the Art of Management & Organization conference and other activities including the journal Organizational Aesthetics please see our web site and Facebook page www.facebook.com/ArtofManagementandOrganization


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