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Tema mjeseca: 8th Art of Management & Organization Conference

Članak: Philip Mirvis,

Philip Mirvis

Philip Mirvis, doktor znanosti na području organizacijske psihologije, istraživač i poslovni savjetnik za procese opsežnih promjena velikih sustava. Izvanredni profesor na University of Michigan’s Graduate School of Business, London Business School te na Jiao Tong University u Shanghaiu. Autor je i koautor osam knjiga od kojih je najpoznatija Beyond Good Company

Philip Mirvis is an organizational psychologist whose studies and private practice concerns large-scale organizational change, the character of the workforce and workplace, and business leadership in society.

In areas of personal, group, and leadership development, Mirvis has designed corporate “consciousness raising” experiences involving theater and the arts, orchestrated rituals for merging companies, and led outdoor team building in the Rockies, Pyrenees, Alps, and Himalayas. He has led corporate journeys and community service efforts in the urban U.S., Paris, London, Dubai, and Sao Paulo, in rural India, China, Greenland, Tanzania, Thailand, and Vietnam, and among aboriginal peoples in Borneo, Paraguay, and Australia, plus stakeholder dialogues on environmental and socio-economic issues.

From Sandra Waddock, Intellectual Shamans:

Mirvis has made a career of being what he calls a gadfly and a raconteur or story teller. In one sense, the intellectual shaman as sensemaker/spiritual leader is always on what the great mythologist Joseph Campbell would have called a quest. Perhaps it is that constant questing—for new ideas, information, connections—that explains the insatiable curiosity that seems to characterize the intellectual shamans. Phil Mirvis is someone who has both written about consciousness-raising in executives and is always on a quest for interesting new experiences 

From Tojo Thatchenkery & Param Srikantia, Change Thinkers

His work is an invitation to organizational change practitioners to expand their creativity in leveraging dramaturgy and the performing arts more powerfully in their work even while seeking to unravel the mystery of organizational change through the metaphor of change as theater. Mirvis has dedicated his life to discovering the hidden life forces that give vitality and momentum to human organizing when the constraints of rationality, rigid bureaucracy and mechanistic thinking are transcended. 

Prof Mirvis will present a keynote on ‘Designing Experiences’ on Friday 2nd September at 5.15pm

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